Trademark registration
In Kazakhstan
Trademark registration
In Kazakhstan
A trademark is a unique symbol or sign that helps distinguish your goods or services from competitors. Upon registering a trademark, you obtain exclusive rights to its use for commercial purposes, meaning that no one can use your mark without your permission.
How we work?
Preliminary Check
In the first stage, we conduct a check of the trademark for identity and similarity with existing marks. We also determine compliance with all legal requirements and select classes according to the International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS).
Preparing the application
After verification, we prepare an application for submission to the the Republican State Enterprise “National Institute of Intellectual Property”.
The following documents are needed:
• A list of goods and services for which you want to register a trademark.
• A logo of your trademark.
• Applicant's details, including name and address.
• A power of attorney to represent your interests in government agencies.
Payment of fees
When submitting an application, you must pay a state fee. The amount will depend on the number of classes of the International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS) and the type of your business.
Obtaining a certificate
After successful registration, you will receive a trademark registration certificate, which will make you the full owner of your brand and provide reliable legal protection.
How long
does the process take?
The entire registration process takes approximately 7-10 months from the date of application. The registration is valid for 10 years and can be extended for another 10 years if necessary.
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