Visa to India

Recommendations on processing business visa to India
If you are planning a business trip to India, we suggest you acquaint yourself with WPK recommendations on processing multiple business visa.
Before going abroad, it is important to know that:
When processing multiple business visa to India for a period starting from 6 months, the applicant's presence is required for fingerprinting. In case of reapplication for business visa, personal attendance of applicant is not necessary if new passport has not been obtained.
Letter of invitation from the organization in India should be submitted to the e-mail address of the Indian Embassy in scanned form.
Please note that business invitation shall contain purpose of visit, period and frequency of planned trips, passport details of an applicant and field of activity along with contact details of the inviting company in India.
The standard term for issuance of a business visa is 3-4 business days. Also business visa can be issued on an expedited basis within 1 day in special cases and at the discretion of the Consul.
Following individuals can apply for business a visa to the embassy of India in the RoK:
  • citizens of the RoK;
  • foreigners with residence permits, work permits or work visas;*
  • citizens of countries-members of Eurasian Economic Union (if labor contract is present)
*Notice: citizens of China and Uzbekistan shall apply for business visa to India in counties of their citizenship.
We recommend processing business visa in 2 weeks prior to the expected date of the trip to India.
E-VISA (electronic visa)
E-Visa to India for travelling with purpose of short-term business trips, tourism and medical treatment has become available since March 1, 2018.

The e-Visa is issued for a period of 60 days for 2-times entry/exit. Documents for obtainment of e-Visa valid for 60 days can be submitted only 2 times during the year and after 2 months from the date of expiry of the first visa.
The online application form completed on the website for a visa is valid for 1 month. In addition, when uploading documents for visa processing through the online system, we recommend uploading the documents in good quality.
We would like to note that the decision to grant e-Visa is made by the competent authorities of India without the participation of the Embassy of India in the RoK. E-Visa is issued at the 24 international airports in India, including Delhi and Goa.
WPK and the Embassy of India in Kazakhstan
WPK is a competent provider for its clients, which cooperates with the Embassy of India in the RoK regarding the matters of processing visas to India.
Any questions?
Feel free to seek advice from WPK team and also consider availing the assistance service during the dactyloscopic registration process.

For 20 years, we consult foreigners on visa & migration issues in Kazakhstan.
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