Opening a business in Kazakhstan for a foreigner
and C5 visa

  • Full support with registration of a legal entity
  • C5 visa and temporary residence permit for business immigrants for founders
  • Further business support

Our services include:

  • IIN is required for individuals to receive public services, pay taxes and/or other mandatory payments, and perform various registration actions. Therefore, without an assigned IIN, foreign citizens will not be able to undergo the procedure of state registration of legal entities (establishment of a limited liability partnership) or use the services of banks to open and maintain accounts.
    More information is available here.
  • Obtaining an EDS
    In Kazakhstan, every individual and legal entity must obtain an electronic digital signature (EDS). The signature is an encrypted set of characters that allows identifying the author of the document. The presence of EDS simplifies document flow and allows interaction with government agencies through the portal to receive government services (certificates, documents, extracts, requests, etc.) and appeals to government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Processing a letter of invitation (LOI) for a C5 visa
    For visa countries
  • Processing a temporary residence permit (TRP)
    For CIS member countries
  • Advice on determining a legal address
    If a foreigner does not plan to open an office of their company, we are ready to provide him/her with a legal address. Indicating the company's location during registration will be one of the mandatory requirements.
  • Company registration on the portal
    Registration of a company on the portal or at the Public Service Center with power of attorney is completed within 1 working day.
  • Obtaining a multiple entry С5 visa
    For visa countries
  • Opening a bank account
    Bank accounts are necessary for legal entities to conduct mutual settlements with counterparties. If there are currency accounts, it is possible to work with foreign counterparties. At your request, we can provide a service for opening a bank account for legal work in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Issuance of a seal
    We can issue a seal in accordance with legal requirements and your wishes.
  • Registration of a taxpayer with the tax authority
    Registration as an electronic taxpayer. Registration is voluntary and is carried out after registration with the state revenue authorities as a taxpayer.
  • Outsourcing of bookkeeping and HR by WPK
    After registering a legal entity, WPK can support accounting and personnel records management (HRM) on outsource. We ensure full compliance with legal requirements and minimize administrative burdens on your business.
C5 business immigrant visa
Foreign citizens willing to perform business activities in Kazakhstan can open a company or join the founders of an existing Kazakhstan company. For this, a foreigner must apply for a business immigrant visa of C5 category.

Business immigrant is a foreign national who has arrived in Kazakhstan to carry out entrepreneurship activities.

Single entry C5 visa
Preliminary C5 visa is issued for a period up to 90 days with the right to stay for the entire period of validity of the visa.
According to the Rules for issuing visas, the primary single-entry visa is issued only abroad in foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

What are the conditions for applying for a single-entry visa?

  1. legal age of the applicant
  2. provision of a medical certificate confirming the absence of diseases that obstruct labor activity
  3. health insurance
  4. police clearance certificate
  5. providing a certificate of the presence / absence of a ban on running business, issued in the country of citizenship or permanent residence

What actions should a foreigner take after obtaining visa?
Within two months from the date of entry, it's required to:

  1. register the company in the Republic of Kazakhstan or join to the company's participants (shareholders).
  2. deposit the amount for the authorized capital to the bank once registration is completed
Multiple entry C5 visa
C5 visa is extended in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the migration service. Upon renewal, a multiple-entry visa is issued for a period of up to 2 years with the right to stay for the entire period of validity of the visa.

It should be noted that business immigrants, when extending a C5 visa, additionally submit to the migration service a request from the Akimats (regional governor's offices) of Kazakhstan.

Please consider the following:
  • If business-immigrants fail to fulfill their duties, the internal affairs bodies, based on the request of local executive bodies, decide to reduce the period of stay of business immigrants for the period for voluntary departure.

  • A foreigner who has not received a C5 visa is prohibited from carrying out business activities, creating a legal entity or becoming a member of the founders.
Temporary residence permit (TRP)
for business immigrants
Since 2024, citizens of the CIS countries are required to obtain a business immigrant TRP before starting business activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since the TRP is issued after entering the Republic of Kazakhstan, the personal presence of the founder/shareholder is required.
Первичное РВП

After entering the Republic of Kazakhstan, you must obtain a temporary residence permit for up to 90 days.
Company registration / purchase of shares, stocks
После оформления РВП разрешается зарегистрировать компанию за именем иностранного учредителя или совершить сделку купли-продажи доли или акции в компании
Extension of TRP

Extension of a business immigrant's TRP for up to 1 year

You can send your request directly to

Types of enterprises
In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners can incorporate a business in the following forms
Registration of LLP/LLC
The minimum authorized capital for small businesses is 0 tenge, and for medium and large businesses - 100 MCI (monthly calculation indices). A foreign citizen may be the director of an LLP/LLC, but only if there is a relevant permit issued by the competent authority.

Other mandatory requirements include:
  • It is mandatory to have a local legal address.
  • Mandatory submission of financial statements.
  • Mandatory audit.
  • A foreign individual must allegedly obtain a C5 business immigrant visa.
JSC registration
The minimum nominal capital is 386 000 USD or 50 000 MCI. It is worth considering that at least 1 director must be a resident in order to register a JSC in Kazakhstan. There must be at least 1 shareholder in the structure.

There are no requirements for the shareholder's residency. The company must undergo financial verification and submit financial statements to the regulator.
Registration of a branch or representative office of a foreign company
To open a branch or representative office in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following documents are required:
  • Application for registration
  • Statute of the representative office
  • General Power of Attorney
  • Decision to establish a representative office
  • Legalized (apostilled) extract from the trade register
  • A document that confirms the location of a branch/representative office
  • Receipt or copy of payment order for state registration fee payment
  • A notarized copy of a foreign passport or an identity card of the director of the branch/representative office
  • Copy of IIN certificate

How do we work?

We receive your application
We clarify the details and conclude a contract for the provision of services
We carry out all necessary procedures for registration and interaction with government agencies
We hand over the original documents and issue the closing financial works
Any questions?
Order paid consultation.
For 20 years, we consult foreigners on visa & migration issues in Kazakhstan.
Learn more how we provide consultation
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