Obtaining IIN for non-residents

Here you can familiarize yourself with the steps to obtain an Individual Identification Number (IIN) in 2025.
The presented material was prepared by WPK consultants based on the current legislation and practice of obtaining IIN for non-residents as of 2025.
What is IIN?
Individual identification number (hereinafter - IIN) - is a unique combination of 12 digits, which is formed automatically taking into account the principles of uniqueness and immutability.
What is IIN needed for?
IIN is needed to obtain any digital state services in Kazakhstan.

Thus, without an assigned IIN, foreign citizens cannot go through the procedure of state registration of legal entities (for example, LLPs) or real estate, cannot enter into employment relationships or use banking services for opening and maintaining accounts.

Therefore, for full-fledged work and business management, foreigners need to obtain IIN.
Our employees conditionally divide the process of registering IIN into several stages:
Stage 1
Preparation of necessary documents
To obtain IIN, you will need to prepare the following documents in advance:
  1. Original passport (or a notarized copy). If the passport does not contain the setting data (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of birth) in Cyrillic or Latin, it is necessary to attach an appropriate copy of a notarized translation of the document (i.e. translation of the foreigner's full name into Cyrillic (if Latin in the passport), or into Latin (if the passport is in Cyrillic).
  2. Notarized power of attorney in case of application by a representative of the service recipient
Stage 2
Document submission
After all the documents are ready to be submitted, WPK employees or you (if you wish to apply on your own) need to contact NJSC "State Corporation" "Government for Citizens" (hereinafter referred to as the State Corporation).

Employees of the State Corporation will scan the documents and issue a sample standard application, after which the application for obtaining an IIN will go to the local executive body.
Stage 3
Obtaining IIN
Within 1-2 working days, the document will be sent in electronic form to your phone number, or to the phone number of a WPK employee.
The document can be printed or saved electronically.
Is it required to change the IIN in case of a passport change?
In order to preserve the integrity of the data of information banks of various levels that use the IIN in the data structure, it is not subject to any modification or regeneration from the moment of initial formation.

However, if you have changed your passport, you will need to reissue the IIN for a new passport. To do this, it is enough to apply to the State Corporation and provide the data of a new passport.

In this case, the unique combination of 12 digits will not change, but the data contained in the National Register of Identification Numbers will change. This procedure is called correction of IIN.
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