Return of pension savings

Here you can get acquainted with our case studies on return of pension savings of the foreign citizens in Kazakhstan.
We received a request on return of pension savings from a Canadian citizen who had been working in Kazakhstan for more than 15 years based on the Residence Permit and planned to return to Canada.

According to the migration legislation, foreign citizens travelling outside of Kazakhstan to their places of permanent residence are obliged to notify the migration service bodies about their departure and return their residence permits (pink cards) for further cancellation. Also in accordance with the Law on pension provision in the RoK, pension savings of the foreign citizens accumulated during their period of work in Kazakhstan can be refunded.

We rendered the following service to the client prior his departure outside of Kazakhstan to the place of his permanent residence:
1. Cancelled residence permit having submitted an application on departure to the place of permanent residence and return of the residence permit to the migration service.
2. Issued a power of attorney for our consultants to represent the interests of the client at the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund (UAPF).
3. Applied to the UAPF / gathered all required documents and submitted an application on refunding of pension savings. Pension savings of the client accumulated during a period of his work in Kazakhstan were successfully enrolled on the bank account within 10 working days.
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